

How many ways do you know how to say goodbye in English? Do you abuse and overuse them? This is your chance to expand your repertoire of farewells with a lesson on the 26 most dynamic, fun, and essential ways to say goodbye in the English language.


Let’s face it, goodbyes are complicated, they are full of difficult to convey thoughts and emotions, subtle messages and pressures, and they are often pretty important. It’s awkward in your native tongue, but in a second language it can be painful.


It’s one of the most fundamental yet underestimated aspects of the English language, and it’s how people remember us.


5 Basic Goodbyes You Probably Know Already


Goodbye/ Bye

Goodbye is rarely used and often as a definitive goodbye (I will not see you again) while bye is more relaxed and informal.

Goodbye很少用,通常用於定義道別 (我將不會再見你) 而bye是一種更放鬆、非正式的道別方法。

See You Later/ See you/ Later

In see you later and see you, the “you” is pronounced as ya (with the same sound of the “u” in fun).

see you latersee you中,“you發音發作ya (跟單詞fun中字母“u”的發音一樣)。

6 Essential Goodbyes to Add to Your Repertoire


It Was Nice to See You Again

It is one of the most effective and important things you can include in your goodbye to a person you already know


Take Care

It is one of my favorites because it’s good to use in both informal and formal situations, with friends and strangers, and always seems to have a sincere feel to it


Take it Easy

It is another one of my favorite greetings, and it is what I use in informal situations. While a lot of people use “Take it easy” to say “calm down” (which is another use of it, as exemplified in the Eagles song “Take it Easy”) the goodbye communicates that I hope you have the chance to relax and enjoy whatever it is you do

這是我最喜歡的另外一種道別方式,我通常用於非正式場合。雖然很多人在勸別人保持冷靜”(凡事看開些)時會用上一句“Take it easy”(這是“Take it Easy”的另外一種用法,如同老鷹樂隊的一首單曲“Take it Easy”的用法),這種道別方式傳遞著我希望你有機會放鬆一下,享受當下的意思。

Have a Good One

It is another awesome American greeting that basically wishes the other person well. You can say have a good “day” or “week” or “trip” or “vacation,” but “have a good one” communicates the general intention without focusing on the specifics of any one event

這是另外一種美式道別方法,主要表達希望某人安好。你也可以說have a good “day” or “week” or “trip” or “vacation,”“have a good one” 表達的是整體的一種關切問候,沒有特殊的指某個具體的方面。

Have a nice ___________.” is another common greeting that you can use in many situation. Similar to the above example, we’re always saying “Have a nice day/ week/ vacation/ meeting, etc.” It’s one of the most universal and respectful ways to say goodbye to another person. This is a goodbye we well as a way to say good luck.

“Have a nice. ___________.”是一種常見的道別方式,可以用於很多場景。同上面的例子,我們經常說“Have a nice day/ week/ vacation/ meeting, 等等。它是最普遍而又最有禮貌的一種道別方式。它也是我們表達祝願好運的方式。


This is not as common of a greeting as it used to be, but it is used when you know you’re going to see the person (until tomorrow/ until Saturday, etc).


15 Cool Slang Goodbyes You’ll Never Learn in School


Peace (Out)

It was really popular a few years back, but is still pretty common in some circles. It comes from the universal expression of “Peace,” has become a verb (I’m going to peace out now. See you later!) and is often accompanied by the two fingered peace sign. This is a semi-hip-hop informal goodbye, so make sure you don’t use it in a business meeting. I still use this one with my friends


I’m out of here

(“I’m ouda here) or a simple “I’m out” is a quick and informal way to announce that you will be leaving amongst your friends

(“I’m ouda here)或一句簡單的“I’m out”是快速非正式的在朋友間表達你將要離開的方式。

(I’ll) Catch You Later/ Catch You On The Flip Side

While Catch You Later is still in popular use, Catch You on the Flip Side is a bit more rare

Catch You Later仍然是很流行的用法,Catch You on the Flip Side用的較少些了。

I gotta go / I gotta get going

These are both easy ways to delicately let somebody know that you need to leave and start to say goodbye.Example: “Look, Jack, I gotta get going. It was nice to see you again


I Gotta Jet

“Jet” which is literally a huge passenger aircraft, has been made into a goodbye that means that you are leaving promptly (like a jet)


I Gotta Take Off

Similar to “Jet,” take off is another word that comes from aircraft terminology. Take off is when the plane leaves the ground, so when you say that you’re taking off, it means that you’re leaving

如同“Jet,” take off是另外一個來源於飛機的術語。表示當飛機要起飛離開地面時,所以當你說 you’re taking off就表示你即將離開。

I Gotta Roll

While “roll” literally is used for things with wheels (car, skateboard) it means to make movement, so when you say “I gotta roll,” it means that you need to move

“roll”字面意思表示帶輪子的東西(如車,滑板),它表示移動,所以當你說“I gotta roll,”就表示你要離開了。

I Gotta Run

This one seems pretty self-explanatory. Although you’re not really running, “I Need to Run” indicates more hurry in your goodbye

這句聽起來是不解自明的。儘管實際上你並不是跑,“I Need to Run” 表明你的道別更匆忙些。

I Gotta Split

“Split,” which means “divide” in many cases, here means to leave quickly, or to head in the other direction


I Gotta Make Tracks

“Tracks” are the footprints you leave on the ground, so when you say “make tracks,” it means to leave a trail of footprints and leave

“Tracks”是你留在地上的腳印,所以當你說 “make tracks,”它表示留下一排腳印,離開。

I Gotta Hit The Road

“Hit” in this sense means to “get on” or “start” on something, so “Hit the Road” mean to leave/ start moving on the road

此處“Hit” 表示開始、著手做某事,所以“Hit the Road”表示要離開,開始步入途中。

I Gotta Head (Out)

“Head”/ “Head out” is another cool way I announce my departure regularly. Head as a verb is to “go in the direction of” It makes a lot of sense because when you move directions, you always start with your head (physically and intentionally)

“Head”/ “Head out”是表示離開的又一種常用的很酷的說法。Head 作為動詞,表示朝某個方向走。它包含很多意義,因為當你離開時你總是身為行為和思想上同時要用腦。

I Gotta Bounce

“Bounce” is what a basketball does when you dribble it with your hand


Now that we’ve covered 26 ways to say goodbye, it’s time to learn how to use them. Remember, it’s one thing to read an article, but quite another to apply them in real life


    創作者 戴軍 的頭像


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